
Can systems science improve dietary guidelines?

Integrating systems science into the dietary guidelines process




自1980年以来每5年一次, USDA and HHS have jointly issued the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA). 在美国农业部, the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) leads the development of the guidelines, which serve as the cornerstone of federal food and nutrition guidance. Prior to developing each new edition of the DGA, 美国农业部和卫生与公众服务部召集了一个独立的, external panel of experts with expertise in nutrition and public health to review the scientific evidence. 从历史上看, committee members have used 3 approaches to investigating the scientific evidence: original and existing systemic reviews, 食物模式建模, 数据分析.

Based on a congressionally mandated study to reassess the DGA development process, 美国国家科学院, 工程, and Medicine encouraged the commission of research and evaluation of strategies to integrate systems approaches into the DGA process. Systems approaches have been used for decades but only in a limited way in the field of nutrition. Considering the importance of the DGA in setting policy, 指导从业人员, and educating and influencing consumers across the nation, CNPP must consider the applicability of systems science approaches carefully and fully.


In 2022, 对于CNPP, Insight Policy Research (now 趣赢平台) conducted a study to explore potential options to incorporate systems science into the dietary guidelines process. 这项工作:

  • Explored options for integrating systems science approaches into the DGA process
  • Determined the applicability and feasibility of proposed options to improve the process
  • Identified steps needed to implement any feasible and beneficial option

Researchers planned and implemented a 2-day workshop titled Workshop on the Applicability of Systems Science Approaches to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The workshop included a diverse panel of 16 experts in systems science, nutrition, and health. 专家 engaged in extensive discussion on systems science and its applicability to the DGA development process, 包括实现.


Input received at the workshop and during subsequent review of the report draft was used to develop the report, Applicability of Systems Science Approaches to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (PDF). The report provides 6 action strategies for integrating systems science into the process and acknowledges systems science work currently underway.








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